domenica 24 maggio 2009

ext. jerusalem's secondary square....


ext. jerusalem's secondary square....

and.........'s house

and after ...............
and after ...............with dressing

and after ...............
and after ...............with dressing's house

int.hexagonal room

before .......
before .......

before .......
and after

Ext.Governor's Palace

ext. governor's palace

this is the wall after a storm two days after we started the preparation...
this is the wall after a storm two days after we started the preparation...
this is the wall after a storm two days after we started the preparation...and...

int.hur's house...

int.hur's house......

ext.hur's house.....working progress
ext.hur's house....

int.hur's house...working progress
int.hur's house...working progress
this the square outside Hur' house during the restoration